Safeguarding and Student Welfare:
The Academy is committed to the vital contribution all staff and governors make to safeguarding children. We will strive to make sure that every student in the Academy feels secure, well cared for, and able to reach their full potential.
We will ensure all our own staff, other professionals, parents/carers and students work together to know the rules about keeping children safe. They will understand the importance of following procedures and listening to each other, especially when there are concerns about safety.
The Academy will work hard to reduce all the kinds of harm that children can suffer, including abuse, bullying, discrimination and avoidable injuries. If you have any concerns at all about the safety or welfare of a child, please do not hesitate to contact us.
The Academy Lead Designated Child Protection Officer is Ms Rosalind Kramer
The Deputy Lead Designated Child Protection Officer for Secondary is Anna Baniuk
The Deputy Lead Designated Child Protection Officer for Secondary is Mr Yusuf Mirza
The Deputy Lead Designated Child Protection Officer for Sixth Form is Mr Sean Bonnett-Johnson
The Deputy Lead Designated Child Protection Officer for Primary is Miss Elin Gardner
The Deputy Lead Designated Child Protection Officer for Primary is Miss Chanel Springer
The Prevent Lead for the Academy is Ms Rosalind Kramer
The contact details are:
Telephone: 0203 747 6060 Ext: 6135 or 6146
The Academy Child Protection Policy and other key Academy documents can be found below:
- Safeguarding Child Protection Policy
- Prevent Policy and Risk Assessment
- Sexual Violence and Sexual Harrassment Policy
- Mental Health Policy
Contacting the Safeguarding team:
Parents and members of the local community can contact the Safeguarding Team via the Academy telephone number or by emailing
Students can contact the Safeguarding Team via the SHARP system.
How to Report a Safeguarding Concern to the Children’s Social Care
Useful Links for Students and Parents/Carers:
If you are worried about the way that someone is communicating with you online or you’re a parent/child and you’re worried about how someone is communicating with your child online you should make a report to one of CEOP's Child Protection Advisors:
For additional advice and information please see the links below:
- You. Your Friends. The Internet - Keeping yourselves safe, keeping the internet fun.
- 'Sex, Relationships, The Internet - Three things that get a little bit complicated.'
- Protecting your children from online abuse (this includes a useful short interactive video)
- Parent Info - From CEOP and Parent Zone - 'The 5 digital parenting rules that REALLY matter.'
- Parent Info - From CEOP and Parent Zone - 'Setting Safety and Privacy settings for Social Media Apps.'
- Online Safety - NSPCC
- A Parent's Guide to Social Networks - NSPCC:
Mental Health:
If you are worried about your mental health or you are a parent/carer worried about your child’s mental health, you should speak to a member of the Safeguarding team or your GP. If required, the team can make a referral to counselling.
For additional advice and information please see the links below:
- The NHS guide to coping with exam stress:
- YoungMinds offer support for both children and parents struggling with mental health:
- Stem4 is a teenage mental health charity aimed at improving teenage mental health:
- Childline have different forms of support available for teenagers:
- The Children’s Society provide support for those suffering with mental health difficulties:
- Kooth provide free, safe and anonymous online support for young people:
This document has a further list of useful websites and apps for supporting young people with particular mental health difficulties:
These documents outline support for young people and parents on self-harm:
- Relate offer advice on parenting teenagers:
- Relate also offer support for young people on relationships:
- Childmind offer advice on teenage relationships:
- The Mix offer support on a range of subjects include relationships:
- Support understanding relationships for teenagers:
- Childline offer advice on relationships:
- Family Lives offer support for teenagers:
This document has a further list of useful websites for supporting young people in relationships.
If you have any concerns about bullying or you are being bullied you should talk to your tutor or Head of Year:
- Bullying UK offer advice for parents on what to do if they think their child is being bullied:
- Kidscape offer advice for parents on what to do if they think their child is being bullied:
- The Anti-Bullying alliance have an interactive anti-bullying tool for parents:
- The National Bullying Helpline offer advice and support for parents and children:
- Young Minds have produced a parent’s guide to spotting bullying:
- The Government have published this advice for parents on cyberbullying:
If you’re concerned that your child might be involved in gangs, you can contact the school and ask to speak to a member of the Safeguarding team or the Head of Year.
For additional advice and information please see the links below:
- Relate offer support for parents/carers who are concerned that their child has joined a gang:
- Childline offer advice on gangs for teenagers:
- The NSPCC offer advice for parents/carers who are concerned that their child has joined a gang:
- Gangsline offer help and support on gangs:
- The Government have published this advice for parents and carers on gangs:
- This video offers advice for parents about ‘Chicken Shop Grooming’:
The Children’s Society publish this support for parents who are worried that their child might be being criminally exploited:
Drugs and Alcohol
- Childline offer advice for children on drugs and alcohol:
- The NSPCC offer advice for parents/carers who are concerned about their child’s potential use of drugs and alcohol:
- FRANK offer friendly, confidential advice on drugs and alcohol:
- The NHS offer advice for parents/carers on talking to their child about drugs: